Grand Blue Manga Summary
“Grand Blue” is a comedic manga series written by Kenji Inoue and illustrated by Kimitake Yoshioka. The story follows Iori Kitahara, a college student who moves to a seaside town to attend university. He expects a laid-back college experience but is quickly drawn into the wild antics of the local diving club, Grand Blue.
The manga humorously explores themes of friendship, youthful exuberance, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. The diving club, Grand Blue, turns out to be more about partying and drinking than actual diving, much to Iori’s initial surprise. Alongside his cousin Chisa Kotegawa and a group of eccentric friends, Iori navigates through hilarious misadventures, awkward situations, and the challenges of growing up.
Throughout the series, the characters develop strong bonds while also facing personal growth and self-discovery. The manga is known for its outrageous comedy, stunning underwater artwork, and the dynamic relationships between its characters, making “Grand Blue” a beloved title among fans of comedy and slice-of-life manga.
A new life begins for Kitahara Iori as he begins his college career near the ocean in Izu city, full of excitement for his new life. He will be moving into his Uncle’s diving store “Grand Blue.“ There he finds the beautiful ocean, beautiful women, and men that love diving and alcohol. Will Iori be able to live his dream college life?